Sialia Operating Expenses

Excerpt from AP story, September 22, 1934

A glimpse of what it costs to
operate such toys as these was revealed
when Archie M. Andrews of
New York told how much a year's
bill for his 225-foot "Sialia" came
to. It was itemized as follows:

General expenses        $34,551.12
Salaries, wages of crew  43,053.27
Fuel oil                  5,578.74
Repairs, etc             21,350.83
Miscellaneous expenses   32,808.64

Total for year         $137,342.62

It cost about $400 a month to feed
the "Sialia's" crew; the laundry bill
is about $500 a month; insurance
$8800 for a year; and hire of radio,
$500 for the year. The crews' uni-
forms cost $7682.20, and $5673.85
more when the ship went south and
a change of uniform was needed.
Such items could be quoted for the
length of a column or more; but
the reader has had enough to gage
what a day at the races means for
a yacht owner. Besides, he is quite
likely to entertain a party aboard,
and the food, drink and service
runs into a pretty figure.