Printed in the Boston Daily Globe, Sept. 12, 1920


  In spite of the fact that he himself did not marry until he was 37 years old, Archie M. Andrews, many times a millionaire and head of a banking business extending to almost every large city, advises all young men who wish to succeed in business to marry as early in life as they possibly can.

  Mr. Andrews' own story reads like one of the books in which the young hero surmounts all difficulties no matter how fearsome, and finally wins for himself not only vassals and serfs, but the fairy princess as well.

  From being a newsboy who sold papers in front of the old Chicago Herald Building to becoming the owner of the building itself has been Mr. Andrews' lot, and the words of advice which such a man might give to young men about to enter the business world are naturally worth listening to.

  "The way I figure it out is this," explained Mr. Andrews, when seen in his offices at 23 West 43d St. "There is nothing in the world that drives a man like responsibility. If he knows that he has to meet a certain obligation he is pretty sure to meet that obligation.

  "Marriage is an obligation. He must succeed in business to meet it. Our most successful men in business have married under 30. I should say that 25 is not too young to marry.

  "No, I can't say how much a man should be making when he marries. That all depends on the place. I don't think, though, that marriage is a question of money, anyway.

  "Let a girl go on working after marriage, if necessary, to help support the home. The main thing is to get married."

  Just at this point Mr. Andrews stopped abruptly.

  "Say," he demanded militantly, "do you know what I think of people who deliver a lot of old bromides to young people about how to get on in the world? I think they should be taken out and shot."

  "It is a joke," he went on, "that I should be talking about a young man in business when I haven't decided what I shall do with my own son as yet," continued Mr. Andrews, "but then I guess that I do not need to worry for some little time. He is only nine months old."

  The nine-months-old kiddie in question is Archie M. Andrews, Jr., and he has a little two-year-old sister, Eleanor. The Andrews family spent part of the year in Pasadena, Calif. and the rest of it in New York. In both places they have a yacht.

  Although plans are a little hazy as yet as to the future of his young son, Mr. Andrews says that he has already settled on one detail of his business education. No matter what he may want to become in any profession or line of business, he should become a salesman first.

  "He can learn to know men in this way as in no other, no matter whether he is selling shoes, phonographs, real estate or insurance," said Mr. Andrews, and all the positiveness of conviction was in his voice. "It is only a question of psychology, anyhow. Most lawsuits are won by psychology, you know. The one way to learn it is by salesmanship."

  College is a very fine thing, Mr. Andrews said. He believes in college. And yet statistics as compiled in his own offices show that it is not the college man who is so apt to succeed.

  "It may be that when a man leaves college he is too old to be easily adaptable," he said. "At any rate, I know three very wealthy men who have just taken their sons from preparatory schools and are going to place them in their offices at once. Eighteen is not too young to place a boy in a business."

  Not the very large city like New York, but the medium sized city, such as Detroit or Cleveland, or even Chicago, is the better place for the young man of today who wants to succeed, according to Mr. Andrews. A smaller city is better than a larger one, he says, because there big business men are easier to approach than in New York, where they are apt to be barricaded by a staff of secretaries who refuse to let the aspiring young man into the inner sanctuary.

  "There's just one thing that I can't warn the young man too strongly against," concluded Mr. Andrews in a heartfelt manner. "That is not to get the idea that by joining a club or forming apparently advantageous social connections, he is going to succeed in the business world. Any such connections, nine times out of 10, operate against him. Let him rely on business acquaintances rather than on social connections."

  Does Mr. Andrews believe in luck in business? He does. He says that, in reality, it is everything. He adds, however that luck is something that is pretty often found by persons who have the perseverance to continue to get up early in the morning.

  Mr. Andrew's life has been filled with picturesque episodes. Besides owning the Chicago Herald Building, from which he was once ejected by a stronger newsboy, he owns a brokerage office in Chicago in which he once was employed at $5 a week. — New York Telegram.

Andrews' Maxims
For Success

  Regardless of how much or how little money you're making marry as early as you can, if you wish to succeed in business. Twenty-five is not too young.

  The simple life in the country may be all right, but every young man should go to a medium-sized city if he wants to succeed.

  College is apt to turn out men who are too old and inadaptable to succeed in business.

  A man's social connections are almost sure to operate against him in business.

  No matter what business or profession you take up, there is no better preparation than undergoing an apprenticeship in salesmanship, whether it be real estate, insurance or anything else.